Begin by looking at the objects in your life. Notice what the mind does. Write down what the mind calculates and determines and decides. Then notice how ephemeral it all is!
Here today, Gone tomorrow.
Then, ask yourself if what comes to mind is coming from NO MIND. OR…do you think your mind is in charge. Not only in charge but a part of YOU that gives you valid truth?
Ask yourself what is valid truth?
If you see the world and all that is arrayed in the world as the unborn, undying, immutable Truth, are you able to see whatever comes into your life as valid truth from the Source?
Or do you get cantankerous, fidgety, bored, yearning for more or less of something else, somewhere else? Do you believe and live as though YOU are in charge?
If yes, how did you get to be in charge? Who and What gave you such authority? And does this point of view lead you to trust in and have faith in what YOU think YOU are in charge of?
If no, then ask yourself, WHO and WHAT is in charge of YOUR life?
OR…do you believe and trust that there is just an array of epiphenomena? (A by-product outside of everything that has no causal influence; no influence at all on YOU).
Are you able to recognize everything is empty? That every thing is a cardboard image?
The Enormous Card Board Image We Imagine to Be Real
Have you been deceived by the things of every day life? Do you think & believe the worldly things are the most important & real?
Many years ago I heard a story about someone’s Aunt. When the relatives went to visit their Aunt, they had to be very, very careful not to touch any of the Aunt’s things for fear that she would explode in a major hysteria. To move or touch or turn on a lamp would bring about a frantic, uncontrollable fit. All things needed to be perfectly placed.
The Aunt was caught in her wish, hope and fear for perfection. She exhibited a strong, almost insurmountable attachment to what is impermanent. My house, my things, my lamp, my way must be perfect.
Of course, her way was a waste of her life. She kept making attempts to align her environment rather than to realize that all the things she treasured are unreal, impermanent. It showed her attachment to her desire to be a perfect speciman of some sort or another.
The choice she made again and again was rooted in her desire to be perfect. A painful, anxiety- filled life.
There is another Way.
Stay still. Make no plans. Study the Mind. NOT the ego! Watch. Just watch. Be aware.
All this is a mirage. A flicker on a screen.
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