Our existence, yours and mine, may or may not be a problem - it depends on how we live out our life.
We need to stop and contemplate:
How we live out our life.
REMEMBERING: The mountains & hills, the fish & fowl, the stones & fences… all things are groaning to awaken.
We are encouraged to look within ourself with teachings - directions that lead us to the knowledge of our true nature.
What are you? WHO are you?
If we identify with our conditioned, material self, we are far away from awakened mind. All the attributes of our psyche, our character, and our personality are fleeting. Our True Nature is unborn, undying, immutable.
We start with our conditioned self by purifying the mind.
Inevitably, we go beyond the conditioned self.
We drop believing in our constructed-conditioned existence of body and mind.
Uncertainty and impermanence are the two factors of our constructed, conditioned self.
How do we practice?
We start where we are…in studying our constructed conditions to the point we drop them.
We study our “self” until we know our true nature. Until we know we are infinite beings in fleeting bodies and minds.
Life is precious.
Life is fragile.
Death is sudden and comes without warning.
Cause and effect are inescapable.
Suffering in the conditioned world is inescapable.
Liberation is beneficial.
A teacher is helpful.
Don’t give up.
My gratitude to all those who offered the teachings.
Bows to Roshi Diane Martin and Rev. Master Ming Zhen Shakya.
And my dear brother, Rev. Master Yao Xin Shakya. Thank you!
www.asinglethread.net - www.zatma.org