Yes! It may require we get down on our knees. With hands emptied of all the countless desires that come to tempt us, haunt us, cause us to fall off the path.
If we are uncertain of what the meaning and consequences of desire are, we need to look within our mind, our heart, our gut to find how we seek and grab desires.
Desires are wild, playful, aggressive, fearful, impulsive, active, fastidious…an endless array of wanting, hunger, aggression, compulsion, harmful, yearning, starving, angry…and the list goes on.
It is up to us to study desire, our personal inclination and the going after something in the realm of things and persons and every other kind of imaginable stuff.
It helps to know what desire is rising up. When we know what is begging to surface we are best served to just STOP the desire. For most of us we seek to satisfy the desire rather than STOP the thirst and hunger and misery of it.
If we are willing to study ourselves, study what is actually happening in the mind we have an opportunity to turn away from the hunger, the thirst, the wishes, the wants, the longing, the yearning.
Desire results in suffering.
Desire is an ever running for and against, never reaching permanent satisfaction. It leads to exhaustion. Satisfaction is a moment that follows desire only to show up as sorrow, sadness and loss.
We run after what we desire only to lose what we were seeking.
Suffering follows like a tail. It follows the head and triggers anger, disappointment, yearning and hate.
We learn to drop desire when we drop our selfish, self-centered ego that longs for satisfaction, success, thirst for something to happen.
Do not let boredom take control.
Do not run from the desires.
Do not run after them.
We never reach the end of misery when desire runs us ragged.
Turn away from the wishes, fears and hopes of desire in the mind.
Go beyond the material world. How do we do that?
When we realize the field of boundless emptiness is what is there from the very beginning.
When we realize that we must work to purify our conditioned minds and our conditioned tendencies.
When we realize that we fabricate our tendencies that harm us.
We drop our painful concerns about the conditioned material world.
When we recognize fully that this is the WAY, birth and death do not appear.
We live freely, unencumbered with the conditions of the material realm. We love, respect and trust the Path and remove the defilements and tendencies that cause our suffering.
This requires practice in serene, silent, selfless reality. Not looking to get anything, not looking to know anything, and not looking to claim anything.
If we can appreciate a single thread, we can suitably meet the world and its changes. There is nothing in it for ME. To know this…we know the world is impermanent and all that is in the world is impermanent.
Don’t Give Up! Keep Going.
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