It is far, far, better to stop and wait before you take a stand, take a position, and react.
Wait. Watch. Wait Some More. Check. Be Still.
Here is the teaching of the Zen Master Hongzhi.
Separate yourself from disturbance…
THAT is the first practice. Let me say that again. To be still we must separate ourself from disturbance…
This requires constant attention. It requires silence and an internal review of the mental formations popping off in our heads.
This is just a first step.
Start with this ONE practice. That’s it.
If you react, you will get burned, tarnished. and corroded with negative thoughts, feelings, & impulses. And worst of all, you will get burned by your reactive actions. This burn leads to blame & shame…making excuses for what you did or said which is a trap that goes round and round.
Be still.